Monday, September 17, 2012

What have become of us muslim?

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

   Recently there is a video that was uploaded in youtube that cause an uproar among muslim. A video named "innocence of muslim". In the video a man "act" as the prophet himself, not enough by that. He act as if the prophet was a madman spreading blasphemy all over the place, created the holy Quran using his imagination and worst of all he act as if the prophet was a sex crazed man. This video is an insult to us muslim, i was very angry when i first saw the video. But then i managed to calm myself and think very very very deeply how did the kuffar become this braved to insult us muslim? O muslim, have we entered a state where everybody can insult our prophet, our god and our belief just because of "freedom of speech"? What happen to us now?
    I remembered a story in the era of Khalifah Mu'tasim, a muslim lady was slapped in the Byzantine land and she cried out "O Mu'tasim, O Mu'tasim" and the roman began to laugh and asked "why are you calling Mu'tasim? He's thousand of miles away, you think he's gonna jump on his black and white horse then come and save you?" And by Allah's will the news reached Mu'tasim, guess what happen then? Khalifah Mu'tasim sent an entire army just to save the dignity of ONE muslim lady and he also ordered each one of his soldier to go by a black and white horse. SubhanAllah look at the power, the respect the dignity we muslim have once a upon a time ago? Now look at us now, we lived in state where everyday we are being insulted.
   How long will we stay in this condition? For how long will the kuffar continue to insult us muslim? Fear not my brothers and sisters, the weak will never stay forever weak and the strong will never be forever strong. Allah's promised us that in the end islam will be victorious but the question is whether we will be the person that contribute to islam's victory or the person that slows down the process for islam to rise? 

